Thursday, 31 May 2012

Mary-Lou Owen - Graduate Success

After graduating at The University of Wolverhampton with a BA (hons) in Design for Multimedia I moved to Lowestoft where I became a volunteer at ‘The Crossing LEAP Centre’. The Centre helps people to create CVs, job search and it also provides teaching in basic IT (I walked in by mistake looking for the volunteer centre, and became a volunteer there myself and have been happily helping out for the past two years). I also undertake freelance graphic work whilst volunteering. This includes being asked to create an interactive CD for the The Crossing LEAP Centre. The CD is used as a digital handbook that is given to each client to explain the services that the centre has to offer. The disk also provides useful web sites/links and details of the courses available.

Since graduating I've had some wonderful comments about my skills and my work, some of which I would like to share to with readers of this blog

“Mary-Louise offers some very attractive skills which I’m sure will be of significant benefit to future customers/employers which I would be very happy to endorse in this testimonial .”
“Her skills around I.T. publishing and animated filming software were absolutely incredible.”

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