Friday, 27 May 2011

Ed Ruscha private view

Readers may be aware that first year graphics students have been working with Wolvehampton Art Gallery curator Zoe Lippett, to produce poster designs in response the work of renowned US artist Ed Ruscha. The Artisits Rooms exhibition displaying an impressive collection of his painting's prints, photographs and books, is now open at Wolverhampton Art Gallery. The private view, took place on 26th May and was well attended, buy a great number of art and design enthusiasts who had also come to hear Anthony d'Offay, well know art dealer and expert, talk about the exhibits and Ed Ruscha.

Graphics staff and students very much enjoyed the evening, exhibition and talks.

Pictured above are Kayleigh Hadley and Kate Farrell who did a wonderful job inviting other private view guests to the School of Art and Design final show. Below, Zoe Lippett and Anthony d'Offay introduce the evening.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Considering an MA?

If you are interested in studying a graphics, illustration or advertising focussed MA at the University of Wolverhampton, then you might be about to hear some good news.
For the second year running, the School of Art and Design are likely to be offering a fee waiver for part time study. If you have graduated within the last 6 years from the School of Art and Design and have been offered and accepted a place to study part time on the Visual Communication MA, then you are eligible to apply for a fee waiver to cover your tuition fees. To find out more and express interest, contact:

Custard Factory private view

Level 3 Graphic Communication students held a private view at the New Zellig building in the Custard Factory on May 20.  Invited guests were treated to music and entertainment from the renowned Dhol Blasters and refreshments were sponsored by Waitrose. This popular event was just one of the many highlights from the week long exhibition, organised and funded by students. Look out for for their full colour year book, to be launched at the Wolverhampton final show Private view on 
Friday June 3. 

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Successful design workshops at the Custard Factory

Inspired by 'the Decorators Late Night Print Shop' at the V&A, Graphic students have run 'SNOOP' a poster design workshop that aims to typographically interpret visitor comments about exhibits at Birmingham Museum and art Gallery. The workshop, run by Sian Lilian McGivern, Kate Farrell, Kayleigh Hadley, Gavin Weir, Kam Chana, Liam Murphy, Dean Burgan, Catalin Margarit and Satinder Singh, is just one of a range of inspiring graphic design activities that students hope to offer again during final show week. So if you missed the chance first time round, be sure to visit 'This is Eleven' the Graphic Communication final show between the 4th and 11th of June.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


You are invited to the private view on 26th May

Tickets available from the third floor  Vis Com. office


Wolverhampton Art Gallery

28 May 11 - 29 Oct 11
Los Angeles-based artist Ed Ruscha is one of the most consistently inventive American artists of the last fifty years.
Since the early 1960s he has channelled his fascination with language and American West Coast culture into books, print-making, photography, drawing and painting.
Early drawings, key paintings and artist books are displayed in this extended exhibition alongside other loans, showing in the UK for the first time.
ARTIST ROOMS On Tour is an inspired partnership with the Art Fund - the fundraising charity for works of art, making available the ARTIST ROOMS collection of international contemporary art to galleries throughout the UK.
ARTIST ROOMS is jointly owned by Tate and National Galleries of Scotland and was established through The d’Offay Donation in 2008, with the assistance of the National Heritage Memorial Fund, the Art Fund and the Scottish and British Governments.
To see the full ARTIST ROOMS collection please visit and
To find out more information about ARTIST ROOMS On Tour please visit

Monday, 16 May 2011

Custard factory exhibition and creative workshops

Friday workshop – poster design, inspired by personal descriptions of artworks from Birmingham Art Gallery – collect your free limited edition print.
Sunday Workshop – creative typographic design
Sunday Workshop – graphics and fashion, print your own, T shirts and bags

Friday, 6 May 2011


YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to come along and visit, book portfolio viewings or participate in workshops with 62 GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION AND MULTIMEDIA B.A. hons, level 3 students who will be EXHIBITING,  WORKING IN-STUDIO and providing WORKSHOPS in the new ZELLIG BUILDING at THE CUSTARD FACTORY in BIRMINGHAM from TUESDAY 17th MAY until FRIDAY 20th MAY from 10.00am every day.Tea, coffee and  refreshments will be served to our visitors, afternoon tea is also served free on Wednesday afternoons in the Library chill-out lounge.

if you require further details about any of the above then please contact:

This pro-active final year group of students have garnered prizes in such as the international STARPACK AWARDS and  IIE INNOVATION AWARD,  they have undertaken many placements in London and the West Midlands as well as working on quality international live briefs alongside their studies with some students having already secured employment and postgraduate places.

See graduation WEBSITE at:

You can also join our student debate on Facebook and Twitter:!/thisiseleven

Graphic Communication and Multimedia B.A. hons, level 3 students, will also be exhibiting at the main School of Art and Design Degree Show at the University of Wolverhampton on the third floor:
Friday 3rd June, Private View, 5.30pm – 8.30pm.
Saturday 4th June, 10.00am – 4.00pm, show open to the public.
Monday 6th June – Saturday 11th June, show open days, 9.00am - 7.30pm.
Enquiries about S.A.D show only to

Thursday, 5 May 2011

New Creative Wolverhampton site - check it out

As the site has only been running for a short time they are always on the look out for more and more information every week!

Any events planned, exhibitions, art fairs, festivals, that could do with a bit of extra exposure?

Need to advertise for dancers/singers etc for an event or project?

Want to expose your creative talent to an eagerly awaiting audience?

Then get in touch  at Creative Wolverhampton ! If it’s about Wolverhampton they want to hear about it! Get in touch and show everyone how creative this city can be!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Krispy Kreme sale

The second Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, graphics final show fundraising sale will be taking place in the School of Art and Design on Thursday 5th May. If you missed the first sale, look out for this next sweet treat sale.

silent auction in aid of final shows

Graphics exhibition and workshops

Graphics final year students are busily preparing for their pre-final show exhibition and companion live working studio at the Custard Factory, Birmingham.

There will be inspiring workshops, and exciting events running throughout the week. Find out more and book your place at workshops via: